Panhellenic Leadership

The Executive Panhellenic Council is comprised of 11 Panhellenic women who strive to make a difference and leave a footprint of good deeds here at Cal Poly. We are devoted to the safety, happiness and overall welfare of each and every one of the 1,800+ women who make up our 9 Panhellenic chapters on campus. This year, our board is focusing on the importance of instilling confidence and empowerment in our women, and we are working hard to create a positive, healthy Greek culture that benefits our members, our campus, and our community.

Executive Board 2024


Taylor Brandenburg
Year: 4th year
Major: Psychology
Hometown: San Jose,CA

Peyton Branch
Executive Vice President
Year: 4th Year
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies Concentrating in Law, Ethics, and Social Justice
Hometown: Pacific Palisades, CA

Jennaca Ortiz
VP Risk Management
Year: ​4th year
Major: Journalism w/Public Relations Concentration
Hometown: Fresno, CA

Ashley Spinoglio
VP Administration & Finance
Year: 4th year
Major: Graphic Communication
Hometown: Tustin, CA

Natalie Victorine VP Recruitment
Year: 4th year
Major: Agricultural Communications
Hometown: Dixon, CA

Morgan Richard
VP Communications
Year: 4th year
Major: Business Administration/Information Systems
Hometown: Granite Bay, CA

Catie Dawes VP Programming
Year: 3rd year
Major: Child Development
Hometown: Denver, CO

Elene Pilpani
VP Scholarship
Year: 4th year
Major: Political Science
Hometown: ​Cupertino, CA

Mayson Kobell
VP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Year: 4th year
Major: English
Hometown: Temecula, CA

Emily Bakshi VP Recruitment Counselors
Year: 4th year
Major: Agricultural Business
Hometown: Orinda, CA

Cindy Larios
VP Philanthropy and Service
Year: 4th year
Major: Economics
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Junior Exec

  • Charlize Wulf

  • Maddie Warren

  • Sadie Levin

  • Savanna Batto

  • Alexa Williams

  • Emily Hulme

  • Aubrie Conway

Interested in being on the Panhellenic Executive board?